Got to France

So I got to xp day france, on thursday and friday.
Cedric Girard presenting
it’s cool to see people get together, share experiences, try out new ways of presenting and simply connecting.

All of the sessions were in French. It was cool to see an american (Charlie Poole) and a canadian (J.B. Rainsberger) do presentations in French :

charlie poole presenting in french

The thursday night dinner / boat trip was also very nice.

dinner on the seine

dinner on the seine 2

To introduce the sessions, all presenters did one minute presentations, which worked very well to warm up the audience.

one minute presentation

I co-facilitated a run of Simple tools for communication (‘des outils simple pour le communication’) with Marc Evers again (also known as Balancing Act), this time supported by Laurent Bossavit and Emmanuel Gaillot, who helped us out with translating to French, doing roleplays and facilitation.


We scaled this workshop in several dimensions. Doing it in French was more difficult than doing it in English or German, turnout was the largest we had so far for this workshop (between 25 and 30 people). As it requires quite a bit of facilitation and safety, we are very careful not to scale it too quickly.

people standing in a circle

We did exercises and demonstrations about coping stances, self other and context, the satir change model, and as a roundup we did a temperature reading. Near the end, the audience was pretty much exhausted. Judging from the reactions, the laughs, and the stories participants roleplayed, the workshop was a success.
pass the ball

I haven’t much to say about it right now, still recovering from excellent dinners, wine, conversation and enjoyable sessions. And I’m preparing for the next workshop, this afternoon I’m co-hosting the ‘these are just some of my favorite tools’ workshop at SPA with Marc Evers and Emmanuel Gaillot. I hope the pictures speak for themselves.

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