Choose life, choose a career… choose a license
I chose not to choose a license, apparently. I thought me.andering had a license, it must have disappeared. And I chose the right day to do so, when I went to creative commons site to choose a license, it turned out that today is Software Freedom Day, a “worldwide celebration of Free and Open Source Software.”
So, this is the new license:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Netherlands License.
I chose an ‘attribution’ license, because I seem to believe that liberal sharing creates more value (and attribution tends to create more pagerank, which creates some value for me ). I hope this blog helps you create value (monetary or otherwise)
, writing on business value does not seem to go well together with a ‘non-commercial-share-alike’ license (let alone a ‘no-derivatives license’ – I wonder how that one holds up against ‘fair use’, see below).
Two points on sharing and value:
- Marc Evers shared this with me yesterday: Fair use worth more to economy than copyright, CCIA says (by Thomas Claburn) “The Computer and Communications Industry Association — a trade group representing Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo, among others — has issued a report that finds fair use exceptions add more than $4.5 trillion in revenue to the U.S. economy and add more value to the U.S. economy
than copyright industries contribute. “Recent studies indicate that the value added to the U.S. economy by copyright industries amounts to $1.3 trillion.”, said CCIA President and CEO Ed Black. The value added to the U.S. economy by the fair use amounts to $2.2 trillion.” - Yesterday, Hans Konstapel shared a story ( How to Destroy your Company by Implementing Packages or Outsourcing) Marc Evers responded to it, I responded to it, and got a gift in return… Graham Oakes posted a thoughtful comment that would merit a proper post – I call it “three reasons why project price depends on corporate ladder position”.
Sharing: good… Not sharing: bad . I wish you a happy Software Freedom Day !