Upcoming public courses and conferences
From the department of long-overdue-announcements
First off, the commercial service announcements. Marc Evers has joined the ranks of eXperience Agile facilitators. He is supporting Rob and me in getting a new Refactoring course off the ground. We plan to do trial runs in february (currently talking to a couple of places to do that, drop us a line if you are interested) and then the first public one, eXperience Refactoring, March 4 and 5, near Eindhoven.
Participants in other courses have long been asking us for a Refactoring course, a topic we mostly cover by showing and doing Test Driven Development, where Refactoring is a ‘natural’ step, so you don’t need to talk about it much. This one is going to cover refactoring in more challenging situations (e.g. when there is a bulk of legacy code – code without tests, or the team has been cutting corners for a while). This will prepare participants to stay vigilant in good times, and calm, resolved and focused in bad times…
We’re also planning to run another eXperience Agile near Eindhoven, 25 through 27 February
More new courses are in development for the second quarter. We’re listening to our customers, and would also love to hear from others what kind of courses they want.
Marc and I have been invited to present Beyond Agile at QCon London
People versus Process participants exercise at XP days London
I’m planning to attend Agile Open FranceHotel Arnold in Itterswiller, France (it is near Strasbourg, in the Elzas). Contrary to what I stated before, the dates are 5, 6 and 7 March.
To keep you up to date with upcoming courses and places I’ll be, I added two feeds to the sidebar: the Public courses feed
Events I’ll be at feed