Course brochure :)
Marc, Rob and I proudly present the first release of our courses and workshops brochure. We’ve bundled the courses and workshops we’ve developed over the last couple of years with new ones and practical information. We hope this gives you a clear overview of what we have to offer:
As with our courses, the brochure is also developed in eat-your-own-dogfood style. Work iteratetively, use small batches and feedback, for example. I’m still a bit weak on formal acceptance tests, but the main goal seems to be happening – sell more courses in more places – and have fun teaching them.
How did we do it? Marc found a printer that prints nice full-colour brochures in small batches, so we can apply feedback to each new batch. We started out by sending out the beta PDF to a handful of people, and feedback was so encouraging, that we made the first batch without all suggestions incorporated… We now have a small inventory of things to do, which we’ll process before the next print run.
I’ll bring some to the cultural patterns presentation in Houten tonight. I wasn’t sure at first whether making a brochure was worth the effort, having done some before with mixed results. So far it’s worked better than expected – the extensive descriptions and the wicked course-flow diagram Marc made come across well, and seem to make the courses much more tangible, which leads to better conversations. So all in all, making and distributing it is an enjoyable experience. Let us know what you think – your feedback is most welcome.
April 20th, 2008 at 4:47 pm
[...] The course broschure of Willem van den Enden is out. [...]