Going to Agile Open NorthWest
Some of my friends wonder where I am from time to time
Haven’t been blogging for a while now – ruminating on stuff, writing on a book project with a couple of people, going out on coaching assignments, and this week teaching the tenth eXperience Agile course here in Eindhoven. Oh, and while I was procrastinating on my bookkeeping I redesigned livingsoftware.nl (again
), now running on drupal, and some minor edits to the text. Because of the book project, I’m having fun in writing again.
It might be a while until you hear from me again, pollen of Agile Open have blown to Portland Oregon, and I’m going there to attend Agile Open Northwest and an Agile Alliance Board meeting. And… a few days off. I travelled to some nice places last year, and did not take the time to see the surrounding. And then, on the way back, thinking, why did I not spend a couple of days extra here…
The Agile Open Northwest Logo is interesting, they crossbred Marc’s logo with a tree You’ve got to love branches.