Server login considered harmful slides at GOTO amsterdam

The slides for todays’ talk about devops in general and configuration management with chef in particular are here: gotoams_serverlogin.

As I mentioned yesterday in Server login considered harmful – the next iteration, I changed the structure of the presentation into a brief devops and configuration management and then a chef demo.

That way we had about 15 to 20 minutes left for questions, after explaining the basics of chef (and similar things in puppet) and how to get started. Based on mini xp days I guessed the audience correct, most were developers doing some operations on the side, or working with ops, and most had not seen chef yet.

I had set aside the extra slides, which you can also download. I ended up not using them, covering some of the topics on the side during the demo and during the Q&A.

Having some extra time to go through the example seemed to help. It is quite a lot of information, as  I need to show both a specific application configuration DSL (monit in this case) while introducing chef concepts. Manual syntax highlighting and adding more slides with smaller steps seemed to help.




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