eXperience Agile!

Agile seems to become mainstream enough to regularly do open enrollment training courses. Rob Westgeest and I just finished setting one up, aimed at software developers who want to experience agile software development firsthand.

We mainly market it through our customers. In a way, the course is marketing itself – since the idea for Rob and me to do this together came from a customer. I hope to write more about how we created this course later.

In a three day hands-on course, Rob Westgeest and I introduce planning, test driven development and analysis skills that enable programmers to more effectively contribute to a thriving business. We combine explanation from our experience with immersive exercises and a multi-day case, resulting in a working system. You can find the course description, organiser bios and dates (all in Dutch – the course can be in English if desired) on the eXperience Agile website.

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