Agile Alliance board elections

I’ve been invited to run for Agile Alliance board member elections. For me, this is the first time I participated in this way in an election. So, in the spirit of communication, feedback and respect, I would like to know how I can best serve other Agile Alliance members in this way. if you’re a member, and tell me what you would like me to do for you, if I were elected.

I’m articulating the ideas I’ve already got so far in a 150 word blurb for a mailing to the members. That is due tomorrow, so If you reach me before then, I’ll be able to weave it in there as well.

One Response to “Agile Alliance board elections”

  1. me.andering » Blog Archive » Agile Alliance candidate statement, revisited Says:

    [...] Like last time, I would appreciate your opininions on what I could do for you . Unlike last time I’m not asking on the day before my candidate statement is due, I’ve got a couple of weeks left to work on it. [...]