Agile Alliance candidate statement, revisited

Agile Alliance Member I’ve been asked to be eligible for the Agile Alliance Board again. I didn’t get in last year, and there’s nothing like iterations to learn from :) . This year I plan to be physically present at the election during Agile2006.

Like last time, I would appreciate your opininions on what I could do for you . Unlike last time I’m not asking on the day before my candidate statement is due, I’ve got a couple of weeks left to work on it.

My current plan is to make incremental changes to last year’s candidate statement, hopefully with your input.

The alliance is using increments as well. The election procedure has been changed to increase diversity in the board.

uncommented photo img_9963.jpg

I made this photo in France last week, during european consultants camp. The rainbow was very bright. The sign in front says “William” (probably for a row of freshly planted pear trees ).

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