Upcoming workshops at XP Day France and SPA

The first XP Day France is going to happen on March 23d! I’ll be running another incrementally improved Balancing Act – simple tools for feedback, communication and courage. For our french friends, it has been renamed Des outils simples pour la Communication :-) . My french is a bit rusty, so I’ve started watching TV 5 (a french tv channel) every once in a while.

At SPA2006 (the software practice advancment conference, formerly known as OT) I’ll be co-hosting two sessions with Marc Evers and Emmanuel Gaillot: Balancing Act – simple tools for feedback, communication and courage and a new session we came up with especially for the sunday on SPA, These are just some of my favourite tools

These are just some of my favourite tools is an open space session, where we invite the participants to show and/or tell one of their favourite tools, things that make (work) life a lot better. Marc, Emmanuel and I have a preference for ‘people tools’ (e.g. meeting formats, retrospective exercises, iteration choreography), but if you have a more technical tool that’s made you more productive, we’d welcome that too.

As for Balancing Act, we’ve completed the hand outs for the three parts, and are now thinking about running the session in french, as well as perhaps doing the wrap-up of the session slightly differently.

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