Welcome to Phil Stubbington

Since I’ve migrated, I’ve dispensed with a blogroll. My current modus operandi is that blogs I read frequently will make it into blog posts somehow, and I welcome new bloggers.

Last Saturday, Phil Stubbington has flown into the blogosphere. He’s blogging about merged Mammoth companies X,Y and Z – bringing his wry ironic style to the web.

whoolly mammoth by Rob PongsajapanMany Happy Blog entries, Phil!

(Woolly Mammoth by Rob Pongsajapan )

2 Responses to “Welcome to Phil Stubbington”

  1. Chris Strobel Says:

    Hi Rob, my name is Chris Strobel and I’m the segment producer for “Inside NAU”
    a non-profit television program that we produce at Northern Arizona University
    in Flagstaff.
    I was wondering if I could use some of your images of wooly mammoths for
    a package that I’m editing this week. I’m primarily interested in the one above.
    I would give a thanks credit to you at the end of our program and if you’d like
    we could list your website.
    It would be great if you could write me back in the next couple of days, if you
    get this, and let me know.
    Thanks so much for your time.
    Chris Strobel

  2. Willem van den Ende Says:

    Hi Chris,

    This picture is a photo by Rob Pongsapajan, apparently from a museum in British Columbia (the link is hidden in plain sight under the image ;) http://flickr.com/photos/pong/172438102/ ). Looking at his flickr account his blog is over at http://www.textbased.org . But thanks to redundancy (see below ;) ), there is more than one way to find his photos ;) .

    Rob has this quote from the ny times – http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/17/magazine/17play.html on his frontpage :
    “Taking Play Seriously

    “The most highly adaptive organisms, Gould wrote, are those that ‘possess an opposite set of attributes usually devalued in our culture: sloppiness, broad potential, quirkiness, unpredictability and, above all, massive redundancy.’”

    Crediting and re-using should not be a problem by the way, the photo has a creative commons by- license, so crediting Rob should be enough (I’m assuming the artwork itself is in the public domain, since it hangs in a US state museum, but I might be wrong).